Listening politely and talking nice to each other helps create a loving family.
Use “I-Messages”
Show Respect
LISTEN politely with a true desire to understand
other people’s ideas and feelings when they talk to you.
UNDERSTAND: Show understanding by nodding your head, asking polite questions, or repeating back the main points to make sure you understand.
VALIDATE the other person’s point of view, even if you disagree, by saying, “I see why you feel that way . . .”
1. Begin with “I,” then say how you think or feel.
2. Describe what you want, or the thing that
bothers you, without blaming the other person.
3. Explain the reasons for your feelings, ideas, or
needs: “I feel ___ when ___ because ___”
4. Avoid “You” messages, like: “You make me
mad when ___”
Use a polite tone of voice.
Avoid Communication Boulders. “C-Boulders”
are non-respectful ways of speaking each
Be assertive, not aggressive or passive.
Use the five most important words often:
“I love you” and “I’m sorry.”
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