Mindfulness 5

Mindful Breathing

Think Compassion Not Criticism


In this mindfulness practice, we ask that you do the following:

An essential part of mindfulness is the ability to view yourself and others with kindness and compassion. When we view others with criticism and judgment, we filter reality through our own prejudices, which prevents us from seeing things clearly. All people suffer hardships; all deserve compassion.

  1. Decide that you will stop looking at others with a critical eye and choose patience and compassion instead.
  2. Close your eyes and begin a breath awareness exercise.

    As you breathe, repeat this focusing statement:

    – Breathing in, think: ”I am compassionate…

    – Breathing out, think: “…and non-critical.

  3. As you breathe, visualize your body becoming filled with a gentle compassion for humanity, and visualize the negative, critical part leaving your body. Smile. Repeat daily.

  4. Track your progress. Carry a card and put a mark each time you think a critical thought. Immediately stop the thought by saying to yourself: “They’re just like me.” Or, “I wish you well.” Then, replace it with a positive thought about the person.

NOTE: You can feel compassion while still seeing a need for change. Compassion never means you tolerate abuse.
