zLesson 5: I Stayed Calm

When you make mistakes, like disobeying family rules or harming yourself, others, or things (including animals), you may receive a negative consequence. The negative consequence helps you know when you made a wrong choice, and you know you need to change your behavior to have a happy, successful life. If your parent gives you the negative consequence kindly and calmly, then it can help you be a better person. If you can learn to stay calm when you get a negative consequence, it shows you are developing more self-control. And you will receive fewer negative consequences.

Staying calm when you receive a negative consequence is possible when you have the right attitudes and skills. Here are some great ones to learn:

Attitude #1: Staying calm keeps the consequence from getting worse.
Attitude #2: Admitting and accepting responsibility for my mistakes is the
fair and mature thing to do.

Skill #1: When you get in trouble, take a deep breath through your nose.
Skill #2: When you realize you made a mistake, apologize.

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