Mindfulness 1

Mindful Breathing

Breath Awareness 

Appreciating Your Brain’s Good Gifts


In this mindfulness practice, we ask that you do the following:

  1. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and begin taking slow deep breaths through your nose.

  2. As you breathe, focus all your thoughts and attention on how the air feels as it comes into your nose and out of your nose or lips.

  3. As you breathe in and out, feel gratitude for your amazing brain that lets you think and choose; and repeat these focus words:
    Breathing in, think: “I can think…”  Breathing out, think: “…I can choose.”  

  4. Each time your attention wanders (and it will wander because that’s what minds do), gently bring it back to your breathing.

  5. If an Automatic Negative Thought reappears, dismiss it by saying: “ANTS lie, and they’re not worth the brain neurons they ride on.”Then mentally zap it away; and return your focus to your peaceful breath and words.