Mindfulness 11 – Bonus!

Bonus Mindful Breathing

Becoming a Mindful Parent


In this mindfulness practice, we ask that you do the following:

Becoming a mindful, nurturing parent is crucial to having a happy family and successful children.

A long-term study showed that children who had nurturing, attentive parents were much more secure and successful as adults than those who didn’t.

The skills in the Strengthening Families Program will help you become a nurturing parent. Remember to practice these as part of your Mindfulness exercises:

  1. Have a non-judgmental attitude toward your children and yourself, while still providing clear standards for behavior.
  2. While your child is sleeping or quietly playing, look at his or her face. Notice with delight the unique features; the shape of their head, the color of their hair. Smile with gratitude for this unique human being.
  3. Imagine you can see into their heart. How is their heart feeling? Imagine you are saying kind, loving things to your child. How does their heart react to your words?
  4. Recall your last interactions. How did your child’s heart feel in those situations? Resolve to use kind, loving, and peaceful words with your child. Do a daily “Loving-Kindness Meditation” for each child.
  5. Listen with your full attention when your child talks to you. Put away your electronics. Seek to understand their feelings and needs. Be kind and present. Remind yourself to practice mindfulness when dealing with your children.
  6. Notice and tame your emotions during difficult interactions. Help your children label their emotions. Example: “It seems like you might be feeling frustrated.
  7. When you are annoyed or stressed, take a deep breath through your nose and say these focus words to yourself: 
    Stop. Be Calm. Be Mindful.

    Then choose the best, most kind response for the situation.