zMindfulness 9

Mindful Practice

Mindfully Delight Your Five Senses


In this mindfulness practice, we ask that you do the following:

Mindfulness includes a way to train your brain, which controls your five senses, to enjoy life more. Practice training your brain to enliven each of these senses, a different one each day this week.

TASTE: Pick up a small piece of food. Notice how it looks and smells before putting it in your mouth. Once you do, chew slowly as you savor the taste and texture.

SMELL: During a meal, pause and close your eyes and smell each different food before you eat. If weather permits, sit near a garden to smell the flowers or grass.

TOUCH: Feel different textures, like water, flowers, trees or grass. For example, feel the warmth of the water on your body as you shower. Feel the wet bar of soap in your hand. Pay close attention and experience the delight of the water.

HEAR: At night, sit by an open window for a few minutes, close your eyes, and carefully listen to and try to identify every sound.

SEE: Take a walk in nature, or around your neighborhood. Notice every detail about the place and the people. Be thankful for sight.

Mindful Breathing Exercise: 

Practice Mindful Breathing for four minutes each morning and night saying this focusing statement:

Breathing in, think: “Nature gives me…

Breathing out, think: “…precious gifts.