Thank you for your interest in Strengthening Families Program: Finding Home!
Unfortunately, this gamified version, Strengthening Families Program: Finding Home is still under development. Public access to these gamified courses will be available some time in 2023.
Strengthening Families Program (SFP) has been developing research-based family skills classes since 1983. This course, SFP Finding Home is an online adaptation of a classroom-based version of the program for families. It is designed to be used with families having kids aged 11 to 17 and the adults in the family.
The program goals are to increase family strengths and resilience and reduce risk factors for problem behaviors in high-risk children, including behavioral, emotional, academic, and social problems. SFP builds on protective factors by improving family relationships, parenting skills, and the youth’s social and life skills.
If you are interested in this program now, please check out our online video series, for families with children ages 11-17 at: Strengthening Families Foundation